ReuterŐs Pekin correspondent telegraphs that owing to the excessive rains and the consequent failure of the crops the famine in the North of Anhui, the East of Honan, and the whole of the North of Kiang-Su provinces is at present worse than it has been at any time during the last forty years. It is estimated that four millions are starving. Tens of thousands reduced to utter destitution are wandering over the country, and the danger arising from this state of affairs is increased by the present activity of the secret societies, the homeless wanderers being glad to enrol themselves as members of these organisations in order to obtain a little rice. The Viceroy Taunfang has been repeatedly memorialised on the subject. Fifty thousand refugees have arrived at Nanking in a pitiable condition. The authorities are unable to cope with the situation, and would welcome foreign assistance. An edict has been issued temporarily abolishing the land tax in Shantung, as the people are unable to pay it owing to the famine. CONFUCIUS PROMOTED. ReuterŐs Pekin correspondent telegraphs that an Imperial edict has been issued raising Confucius to the same rank as Heaven and Earth, which are worshipped by the Emperor alone. It is believed (he adds) that this edict has been promulgated in deference to the religious scruples of the Christian students in the Government Colleges who object to kowtow as required by immemorial custom before the tablet of Confucius, which is placed in all State Colleges.